What is a Search Hackathon?

The "Search Hackathon" is an event aimed at recognizing the importance and potential of search engines and advancing next-generation search technologies. As generative AI evolves, the value of search engines is being reevaluated. Let's explore the power and future of search engines together.

This time, with the full cooperation of Sease Ltd. from the UK, the event will be held as an online international search hackathon between the UK and Japan. We look forward to your participation in this global hackathon event spanning two days!

Event Overview

Purpose of the International Search Hackathon

Reevaluating the Value of Search Engines
We aim to demonstrate how search engines remain essential even with the emergence of generative AI like ChatGPT, reaffirming their usefulness.
Promotion of Technological Innovation
We will explore new search technologies and ideas, contributing to the advancement of next-generation search engines.
Technology Provision for the Next Generation
We provide opportunities for the next generation of engineers and researchers to experience the allure and potential of search technologies.

About the International Search Hackathon

This Search Hackathon will serve as a platform to advocate the necessity of information retrieval in new ways.
With the aim of fostering an international perspective beyond Japan, Mr. Alessandro Benedetti, Director at Sease Ltd., a committer of Apache Lucene/Solr and member of the Apache Solr PMC, will visit Japan.
He will lead the Search Hackathon at the venue in Japan and provide in-person support.

Date and Location of the Event

October 19th (Saturday) to 20th (Sunday), 2024 JST.

October 19th (Saturday) to 20th (Sunday), 2024 JST.

DAY ONE (19 October 2024)
10:00 – 11:00 Introduction and Presentation
11:00 – 13:00 Hackathon time!
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 – 20:00 Hackathon time!

DAY TWO (20 October 2024)
10:00 – 13:00 Hackathon time!
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 – 19:00 Hackathon time!
19:00 – 20:00 Project presentations and Judging time
20:00 – 20:30 Award Ceremony
The venue is planned to be within the 23 wards of Tokyo. Japanese teams will participate in-person only.
British teams are scheduled to participate online.
We will announce details on this page once they are finalized.

Application Guidelines

About the Participants
  • Individual participation or team participation (up to 5 people per team) is possible.
  • For individual participants, teams will be formed with other individual participants at the venue.
  • Participation is limited to university students, graduate students, and technical college students and working professionals who are 25 years old or younger at the start of the hackathon are eligible.
Regarding Participation
  • Participation is free of charge. However, transportation, accommodation, and meal expenses to the venue on the day of the event are to be borne by the participants.
  • Please bring your own laptop and other necessary equipment for development work to the venue on the day of the event.
  • Power outlets and internet access will be provided.
  • The seminar and hackathon will be conducted in English.
  • If the number of participants and teams does not reach the required number to achieve the purpose of this event by the end of September, the event may be canceled. Any decision will be announced on this page.

Seminar Information

In preparation for this search hackathon, the following seminars are being organized. Please join us to acquire the latest search technology skills and gather information.

  • October 15, 2024 (Tuesday)
    Theme: Open Source Search Technologies (Lucene/Solr)
    Approximately 2 hours, held online

  • October 16, 2024 (Wednesday)
    Theme: Open Source Natural Language Processing and Evaluation
    Approximately 2 hours, held online

Details of the seminars will be announced on this page as soon as they are ready.

Mr. Alessandro Benedetti

Director @ Sease Ltd.
Apache Lucene/Solr Committer
Apache Solr PMC Member

Development Themes and Technologies/Products to be Used

The themes, technologies, and products to be used for this search hackathon are as follows. The challenges to be presented on the day will align with these themes.

Explore the power and future of search engines!

- Solve real-world problems faced
by businesses and organizations
using search engines -


Technologies, products, and conditions to be utilized:
  • Solve problems faced by businesses.
  • Semantic search is recommended.
  • Develop search applications (front-end, back-end) using search engine APIs.
  • Computing resources, databases, etc., will be provided by the organizers.
  • Complete development within the duration of the hackathon.
  • The KandaSearch vector transformation endpoint will be available for use (participants are responsible for costs associated with using services not provided by the organizers).

Benefits for Participants

- Direct guidance from engineers at the forefront of the industry
This is a chance to receive direct advice from active top engineers. You can learn the latest technologies and expertise, significantly enhancing your own skills.

- Perfect opportunity to enhance international awareness
Through interactions with instructors and students from the UK, you can cultivate an international perspective. It provides valuable experience for considering future global careers.

- Acquire practical technical skills
Through the search hackathon and pre-seminars, you can gain practical experience with cutting-edge AI search technologies such as vector search and LLM, enhancing your technical proficiency.

- Opportunity leading to future career prospects
Participating companies may notice participants' activities and consider them for recruitment. Outstanding ideas and projects can become strong selling points in future job applications and internships.

- Chance to test English language proficiency
Communicating with overseas instructors and participants offers a practical opportunity to test and improve English skills. It provides a practical setting for enhancing language proficiency.

- Learn the latest AI technologies
Experience cutting-edge AI search technologies like vector search and LLM, updating your knowledge. Touching upon new technologies can provide hints for advancing to the next level. 

- Possibility of Expansion into Real Business
The challenge might be in developing applications with advanced features and functionalities. In such a case, there is a chance to expand the applications developed during the search hackathon into real business and generate revenue.

To everyone considering participating,

Join us in this search hackathon to passionately dive into technology with your peers and embark on a journey of learning!
It's a chance to expand your potential while exploring
new technologies and ideas.

If you're interested, please consider joining us!



Technology Partners

Recruitment Partners

Frequently Asked Questions


If I have questions about participating in the event, what should I do?

Please contact us through the Inquiries and Applications form.

Do I have to participate in all days of the Search Hackathon?


Yes, we generally request participants to attend all days of the event.


Are there any restrictions on the laptops or other devices we can bring to the venue?


There are no restrictions. However, please refrain from bringing devices that consume a lot of power or may inconvenience others.


May we publish the products we develop online?


Yes, you may. However, please note that various services provided by the organizers on the day of the event are available only for that day.


I heard that presentations, brainstorming, and questions will be conducted in English, but I'm not confident.

You don't need to be perfect in English. We encourage you to participate without stress and with a spirit of challenge.

I am unable to participate.


Please contact us through the form below.


Seeking Companies to Provide Challenges and Data

We are seeking companies that can provide challenges and data solvable through information retrieval on the day of the Search Hackathon.

Do you work for a company that believes searching through various forms of internally accumulated information could lead to improvements in business operations?

Are there issues with using internal data or improvements in business operations that you would like to see addressed through this project? By sharing these challenges with us, aspiring and talented young engineers may find solutions.

Of course, we welcome data provided with sensitive information anonymized.

If your company is interested in providing data for problem-solving, please contact us using the form below.


Sponsorship Opportunity

We are seeking sponsors who support the objectives of this project.

We will hold an introductory seminar for companies interested in sponsoring.

If you would like to attend the seminar or are interested in sponsoring, please contact us using the form below.

Date: To be determined
Location: Online (Google Meet)



Message from the Company Representative

"Search Hackathon" is an opportunity to envision the future of search engines together. With the evolution of generative AI, we invite many students to participate in this event, which explores the infinite possibilities of search technology.

Experience new technologies, unleash creativity, and collaborate in shaping the future of search engines.

We look forward to your participation!